System Requirement and Architecture of D365 BC SAAS and On-Prem version:
On-Prem System Requirement & Architecture: – In On-Prem, below are the system requirements:
- Hardware
- Operating System
- Additional Software
- SQL Server
- Web Browser
- Additional Information
- Architecture
(1) Hardware: The following Hardware requirements are:
- Memory: Minimum 32GB & Recommended >= 64GB.
- Processor: Minimum 1Quad Core & Recommended 2X16 CPU cores.
- Disk: Recommended OS: RAID1, Disk Space: 1TB.
(2) Operating System: The Supported Operating systems are:
- Windows 11 (64-bit editions).
- Windows 10 (64-bit edition).
- Windows Server 2019.
- Windows Server 2022.
(3) Additional Software: The Required additional software are:
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 or 4.8.
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 or 4.8.
- Microsoft .NET Framework 5.0.
- Visual Studio Code.
- AL language extensions.
- Visual Studio 2019.
- MS Office (recommended latest version).
- PDF Editor.
(4) SQL Server: The following SQL versions are required:
- Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Express (10GB limitation), Standard or Enterprise or Latest version.
(4) Web Browser: The following browser are:
- New Microsoft Edge, Latest version.
- Google Chrome for Windows, latest version.
- Mozilla Firefox for Windows, latest version.
- Safari for macOS, latest version.
- Note: Cookies and JavaScript must be enabled in the browser.
(5) Additional Information: The following additional information is:
- Business Central Web Server Configured for HTTPS.
- Report Builder for SQL Server 2019.
- SQL Server 2019 Express (64-bit edition).
- If the operating system on the target computer doesn’t support SQL Server 2019 Express, Setup displays a pre-requisite warning. In this case, you should exit Setup. Then, update the operating system on the computer to one that does support SQL Server 2019 Express and run Setup again.
- Antivirus.
SaasArchitecture: In SAAS, there is no requirement for hardware and server, all will be managed by Microsoft in the SAAS version.