Creation and Posting of Item Reclassification Journal:
(1) In this blog, we will see how to create and post an Item Reclassification Journal. Use item reclassification journals to transfer item inventory from one location to another location. Item Journal is mainly used for adjustment or transferring of Item inventory. Go to the search bar and type “Item Journal”, as shown.

(2) After that, “Item Reclassification Journal” opens and enters the information. In the below screenshot, we entered items for transferring inventory from the old location to the new location as shown below.

Field Name | Field Description | Importance |
Batch Name | Specifies the name of the journal batch. | Mandatory |
Posting Date | Specifies the entry’s posting date. | Mandatory |
Document No. | Specifies a document number for the item journal line. | Mandatory |
Item No. | Specifies the number of the item on the journal line. | Mandatory |
Description | Specifies a description of the item on the journal line. | Mandatory |
Location Code | Specifies the code for the inventory location where the item on the journal line will be registered. | Mandatory |
New Location Code | Specifies the new location to link the items on this journal line. | Mandatory |
Quantity | Specifies the number of units of the item to be included on the journal line. | Mandatory |
Unit of Measure Code | Specifies how each unit of the item or resource is measured, such as in pieces or hours. By default, the value in the Base Unit of Measure field on the item or resource card is inserted. | Mandatory |
Lot No. or Batch No. | Specifies the tracking of item. | Mandatory → if Item Tracking is applicable in Item Master. For that go to the “Line” → ”Item Tracking Lines”. |
- After entering, go to the “Post/Print” → Post. Pop window open, Press “Yes”, as shown.

- In the above entries, Item Tracking is applicable in Item No. “80218-T”. If item tracking is not assigned, then the system shows an error with detail of Item No. and Item Reclassification Journal Line while posting, as shown.

- For resolving the above error, Select the Item and go to the option“Line” → ”Item Tracking Lines”, as shown.

- Note: If Inventory is not available in the present location, then the system shows an error of insufficient inventory. In the case of Item Tracking → While selecting Lot No., the system opens a blank lot information list. This means there is no inventory for that particular item in the old location.

(3) After doing the above steps, Post the entries, as shown.

(4) Now go to the Item List and select the posted items and see the effect in the Item Ledger Entries. All the item-related transactions are available in Item Ledger Entries as shown.