Create Cash Payment Voucher in D365 BC:
(1) In this blog, we will see how to create and post Cash Payment Voucher. There are two ways to open the “Cash Payment Voucher”, as shown.
- Go to the “Voucher Interface” and select “Cash Payment Voucher”.

- Go to the search bar and type “CashPayment Voucher”, as shown.

(2) After that, the “Cash Receipt Voucher” opens and enters the information. In the below screenshot, we entered the cash paid to the vendor, as shown.
- Vendor is debited → X Amount Dr
- Cash Account is credited → X Amount Cr

Field Name | Field Description | Importance |
Batch Name | Specifies the name of the journal batch (discussed in the “Overview of Vouchers” blog). | Mandatory |
Posting Date | Specifies the entry’s posting date. | Mandatory |
Document Type | Specifies the type of document that the entry on the journal line is. | Mandatory |
Document No. | Specifies a document number for the journal line. | Mandatory |
Account Type | Specifies the type of account that the entry on the journal line will be posted to. | Mandatory |
Account No. | Specifies the account number that the entry on the journal line will be posted to. | Mandatory |
Account Name | Specifies the account name that the entry on the journal line will be posted to | Mandatory |
Description | Specifies a description of the entry. | Mandatory |
Amount | Specifies the total amount that the journal line consists of. | Mandatory |
Bal. Account Type | Specifies the code for the balancing account type that should be used in this journal line. | Mandatory |
Bal. Account No. | Specifies Cash Account from the list. | Mandatory |
(3) After entering the journal, now go to the “Process” → ”Voucher Narration”, as shown.

(4) Voucher Narration page opens and enters narration and closes the page, as shown.

(5) After that go to the “Post/Print” → Post the entries shortcut Keys is F9and press Yes, as shown.

(6) Entries posted and go to the “General Ledger Entries” and take a printout of that entry as shown.

(7) Cash Account will always be credited in cash payment voucher.