Creation of Machine Center in Business Central:
(1) In this blog, we will get to know about the creation of the Machine Center in D365 BC. This is used to define the process of making finished goods.
(2) Open D365 BC, and enter Machine Centers in the search bar, as shown.

(3) Machine Center List page opens. Press the “New” button for the new work center (if you want to modify it, then double click on the “No.” and do the changes accordingly), as shown.

(4) After that, the Machine Center Card opens and enters the information, as shown.
- General Tab:

Field Name | Nature of Field | Field Description |
No. | Mandatory | Specifies the number of the involved entry or record, according to the specified number series. |
Name | Mandatory | Specifies the name of the machine center. |
Work Center No. | Mandatory | Specifies the number of the work center to assign this machine center to. |
Search Name | Auto Fill | Specifies an alternate name that you can use to search for the record in question when you cannot remember the value in the Name field. |
Blocked | Optional | Specifies that the related record is blocked from being posted in transactions, for example, a customer that is declared insolvent or an item that is placed in quarantine. |
Last Date Modified | Auto Fill | Specifies when the machine center card was last modified. |
- Posting:

Field Name | Nature of Field | Field Description |
Direct Unit Cost | Mandatory in case of advanced manufacturing and item cost | Specifies the cost of one unit of the selected item or resource. |
Indirect Cost % | Mandatory in case of advanced manufacturing and item cost | Specifies the percentage of the center’s cost that includes indirect costs, such as machine maintenance. |
Overhead Rate | Mandatory in case of advanced manufacturing and item cost | Specifies the overhead rate of this machine center. |
Unit Cost | Mandatory in case of advanced manufacturing and item cost | Specifies the cost of one unit of the item or resource on the line. |
Flushing Method | Mandatory in case of advanced level | Specifies how consumption of the item (component) is calculated and handled in production processes. Manual: Enter and post consumption in the consumption journal manually. Forward: Automatically posts consumption according to the production order component lines when the first operation starts. Backward: Automatically calculates and posts consumption according to the production order component lines when the production order is finished. Pick + Forward / Pick + Backward: Variations with warehousing. |
Gen. Prod Posting Group | Mandatory | Specifies the item’s product type to link transactions made for this item with the appropriate general ledger account according to the general posting setup. |
- Scheduling:

Field Name | Nature of Field | Field Description |
Capacity | Mandatory in case of advanced level | Specifies the capacity of the machine center. |
Efficiency | Mandatory in case of advanced level | Specifies the efficiency factor as a percentage of the machine center. |
Queue Time | Mandatory in case of advanced level | Specifies the queue time of the machine center. |
Queue Time Unit of Meas. Code | Mandatory in case of advanced level | Specifies the queue time unit of measure code. |
- Routing Setup:

Field Name | Nature of Field | Field Description |
Setup Time | Mandatory in case of advanced level | Specifies how long it takes to set up the machine. |
Wait Time | Mandatory in case of advanced level | Specifies the time a job remains at the machine center after an operation is completed until it is moved to the next operation. |
Move Time | Mandatory in case of advanced level | Specifies the move time required for a production lot on this machine. |
Fixed Scrap Quantity | Mandatory in case of advanced level | Specifies the fixed scrap quantity. |
Scrap % | Optional | Specifies the scrap in percent. |
Send-Ahead Quantity | Optional | Specifies the send-ahead quantity. |
Minimum Process Time | Mandatory in case of advanced level | Specifies the minimum process time of the machine center. |
Maximum Process Time | Mandatory in case of advanced level | Specifies the maximum process time of the machine center. |
Concurrent Capacities | Mandatory in case of advanced level | Specifies how much available capacity must be concurrently planned for one operation at this machine center. |
- Warehouse:

Field Name | Nature of Field | Field Description |
Location Code | Mandatory in case of Warehouse | Specifies the location where the machine center operates by default. |
Open Shop Floor Bin Code | Mandatory in case of Warehouse | Specifies the bin that functions as the default open shop floor bin at the machine center. |
To-Production Bin Code | Mandatory in case of Warehouse | Specifies the bin in the production area where components that are picked for production are placed by default before they can be consumed. |
From-Production Bin Code | Mandatory in case of Warehouse | Specifies the bin in the production area where finished end items are taken by default when the process involves warehouse activity. |
(5) After doing the above steps, created machine center is mapped in Routing Master.