Use of STRMENU function in D365 BC:
(1) STRMENU is a function that displays a series of options.
(2) Syntax of STRMENU:
OptionNumber := Dialog.STRMENU(OptionString [, DefaultNumber] [, Instruction]) OptionString Type: Code or text constant A comma-separated string. Each substring in OptionString specifies an option on the menu. DefaultNumber Type: Integer Use this optional parameter to determine a default option, which is highlighted. The options are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. *If you omit this optional parameter, the first option (1) is used as the default. Instruction Type: Code or text constant Use this optional parameter to add a description to the option values. |
(3) Let’s say, display Menu at the time of posting Purchase Order. (You can also refer to the Purchase posting and sales posting code units for STRMENU usage), as shown.

(4) You can use this function in various activities, like changes in records with display menu and so on.
(5) STRMENU display as shown.