Creation of Manufacturing Setup in D365 Business Central:
(1) In this article, we will get to know about the Manufacturing Setup in Business Central D365. This is required for running the Production Module in D365 BC.
(2) Go to the search bar and enter “Manufacturing Setup” as shown.
(3) After this, the Manufacturing Setup page opens, as shown with details.
- General Tab:
Field Name | Nature & Importance | Field Description |
Normal Starting Time | Mandatory | Specifies the normal starting time of the workday. |
Normal Ending Time | Mandatory | Specifies the normal ending time of a workday. |
Preset Output Quantity | Mandatory | Specifies what to show in the Output Quantity field of a production journal when it is first opened. |
Show Capacity In | Mandatory | Specifies which capacity unit of measure to use by default to record and track capacity. |
Planning Warning | Depends on the Business Requirements | Specifies whether to run the MRP engine to detect if planned shipment dates cannot be met. |
Doc. No. Is Prod Order | Depends on the Business Requirements | Specifies that the production order number is also the document number in the ledger entries posted for the production order. |
Dynamics low-level Code | Mandatory for parent-child relation in Bill of Material | Specifies that you want to use the new, faster method of low-level code calculation. Note that the new calculation is done differently and using it might break extensions that rely on the existing method. The new calculation method will replace the current method in a future release. |
Optimize low-level code Calculation | Depends on the Business Requirements | Specifies that you want to use the new, faster method of low-level code calculation. Note that the new calculation is done differently and using it might break extensions that rely on the existing method. The new calculation method will replace the current method in a future release. |
Cost Incl. Setup | Depends on the Business Requirements | Specifies whether the setup times are to be included in the cost calculation of the Standard Cost field. |
- Numbering Tab:
Field Name | Nature & Importance | Field Description |
Simulated order Nos. | Depends on the Business Requirements | Specifies the number series code to use when assigning numbers to a simulated production order. |
Planned Order Nos. | Depends on the Business Requirements | Specifies the number series code to use when assigning numbers to a planned production order. |
Firm Planned Order Nos. | Depends on the Business Requirements | Specifies the number series code to use when assigning numbers to firm planned production orders. |
Released Order Nos. | Depends on the Business Requirements | Specifies the number series code to use when assigning numbers to a released production order. |
Work Center Nos. | Depends on the Business Requirements | Specifies the number series code to use when assigning numbers to work centers. |
Machine Center Nos. | Depends on the Business Requirements | Specifies the number series code to use when assigning numbers to machine centers. |
Production BOM Nos | Depends on the Business Requirements | Specifies the number series code to use when assigning numbers to production BOMs. |
Routing Nos. | Depends on the Business Requirements | Specifies the number series code to use when assigning numbers to routings. |
- Planning Tab:
Field Name | Nature & Importance | Field Description |
Current Demand Forecast | Depends on the Business Requirements | Specifies the name of the relevant demand forecast to use to calculate a plan. |
Use forecast on locations | Depends on the Business Requirements | Specifies that actual demand for the selected demand forecast is nettet for the specified location only. If you leave the check box empty, the program regards the demand forecast as valid for all locations. |
Use forecast on variants | Depends on the Business Requirements | Specifies that actual demand for the selected demand forecast is nettet for the specified item variant. If you leave the check box empty, the program regards the demand forecast as valid for all variants. |
Default Safety Lead Time | Depends on the Business Requirements | Specifies a time period that is added to the lead time of all items that do not have another value specified in the Safety Lead Time field. |
Blank Overflow Level | Depends on the Business Requirements | Specifies how the planning system should react if the Overflow Level field on the item or SKU card is empty. |
Combined MPS/MRP Calculation | Depends on the Business Requirements | Specifies if both master production schedule and material requirements plan are run when you choose the Calc. Regenerative Plan action in the planning worksheet. |
Components at Location | Depends on the Business Requirements | Specifies the inventory location from where the production order components are to be taken. |
Default Dampener Period | Depends on the Business Requirements | Specifies a period of time during which you do not want the planning system to propose to reschedule existing supply order’s forward. This value in this field applies to all items except for items that have a different value in the Dampener Period field on the item card. When a dampener time is set, an order is only rescheduled when the defined dampener time has passed since the order s original due date. Note: The dampener time that is applied to an item can never be higher than the value in the item’s Lot Accumulation Period field. This is because the inventory build-up time that occurs during a dampener period would conflict with the build-up period defined by the item’s lot accumulation period. Accordingly, the default dampener period generally applies to all items. However, if an item’s lot accumulation period is shorter than the default dampener period, then the item’s dampener time equals its lot accumulation period. |
Default Dampener % | Depends on the Business Requirements | Specifies a percentage of an item’s lot size by which an existing supply must change before a planning suggestion is made |