C Language Syntax

C Language Syntax:

(1) C Language is designed by “Dennis Ritchie”.

(2) C Language is a procedural programming language.

(3) C Language is designed to be compiled to provide low access to memory.

(4) For learning the C language, first install the editor and compiler. For this, refer to the blog “Install Code Blocks for C Language on Windows”. After this installation, you will be able to write C language.

(5) For writing C Language, the following syntax is mandatory.

  • #include <studio.h>– It is a header file library that used in Input & Output functions.
  • #include <conio.h>– It is a library where getch() functions is stored.
  • main()– All code execute inside the main() function. Syntax is main() { Code }.
  • Semicolon “;”– Each line is ended with “;”
  • getch() It is used for holding the output screen.
  • return 0 It is used for ending main() function.

(6) Sample C language code:

Sample C language code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main()
printf(“My First C Programme”);
return 0;

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