How to Install Code Blocks for C Language on Windows

Install Code Blocks for C Language on Windows:

(1) In this blog we will see the installation of “Codeblocks” in windows for C language. Open the URL ( and click the marked links, as shown.

codeblock binary releases
codeblock for microsoft windows download

(2) After that new URL open and click on the “Download” button, as shown.

download codeblocks

(3) After the download is complete. Go to the folder where the file is downloaded and double click on that file, as shown.

codeblocks setup downloaded

(4) After that pop-up window open and press the Next button.

welcome to codeblocks set up

(5) After that press the “I Agree” button, as shown.

codeblocks license agreement

(6) Then press the “Next” button, as shown.

choose components in codeblocks software

(7) Then press the “Install” button, as shown.

codeblocks installation software opens

(8) After that, the installation is running, as shown.

codeblocks software installation starts running

(9) Installation has been done and presses the “Yes” button to open the “CodeBlocks” editor, as shown.

open codeblocks now

(10) Codeblocks editor opens, as shown.

codeblocks editor open

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