Tag: dynamics 365

How to Fix 24 Hours or Military Time in BC D365

Fix 24 Hours or Military Time in BC D365: If Time values are -: Time1 = 11:30:00 AM and Time2 = 04:30:00 PM. Use Format property or function to change nature of timing in 24 hours or military timing. Time3 := Format(Time1,0,'<Hours24,2>:<Minutes,2>:<Seconds,2>’). Time4 := Format(Time2,0,'<Hours24,2>:<Minutes,2>:<Seconds,2>’). System will show Time3 is 11:30:00 and Time4 is 16:30:00. How …

How to Calculate the Current Fiscal Year

How to Calculate the Current Fiscal Year? There is no function that will give you the fiscal year. Here’s a code that will get the fiscal year according to the accounting period. Define two date variables Date1 and Date2. Define one record variable “Accounting Period”.  AccountingPeriod.RESET;AccountingPeriod.SETRANGE(“New Fiscal Year”,TRUE);AccountingPeriod.”Starting Date” := WORKDATE;AccountingPeriod.FIND(‘=<‘);Date1 := AccountingPeriod.”Starting Date”;IF AccountingPeriod.NEXT = …

How to Create/Setup Company Information Master in D365 BC

Create/Setup Company Information Master in D365 BC: STEP-01:  Open company in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. STEP-02: On top of the right side, click on the search bar, a pop-up window will open. In the pop-up window search for Company Information, a drop-down menu will appear. In the drop-down menu, you have to select Company Information. STEP-03: After …

Page Creation In Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC

Page Creation In Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC STEP-01:  Right Click on the .vscode and select New File. STEP-02: Enter the Name of the page as shown. Note while naming the page .al extension is mandatory.  STEP-03: Type tp for creating a new page. ”t” is the prefix for finding the objects in VS. STEP-04: After step 03, page structure has …