Category: C Language

FOR Loop in C Language

FOR Loop in C Language: (1) The FOR statement is used to iterate over a range of values or a sequence. The FOR loop is executed for each of the items in the range. (2) Sample C language code and its output, as shown. #include <stdio.h>#include <conio.h>//Table of 2 using for loopint main(){  int x;  int …

SWITCH Statement in C Language

SWITCH Statement in C Language: (1) SWITCH Statement successively tests the value of an expression against a list of integer or character constants. When a match is found, the statements associated with that constant are executed. (2) Sample C language code and its output, as shown: #include <stdio.h>#include <conio.h>int main(){  int x;  x = 2;switch(x)  {    …

If Else condition in C Language

If Else condition in C Language: (1) If Else statement allows us to write two alternative paths and the control condition determines which path gets executed. In an if-else statement, only the code associated with if (i.e. statement-1) or the code associated with else (i.e. statement-2) executes, never both. (2) Sample C language code and its …

Logical Operators in C Language

Logical Operators in C Language: (1) Logical Operators are used for assigning values to variables.  (2) Sample C language code and its output, as shown: #include <stdio.h>#include <conio.h>// Logical Operators in C Languageintmain(){int x;int y;x = 5;  y = 7;  // Returns 1printf(“Return Value: %d\n”, x > 3 && x < 10);  // Returns 0printf(“Return Value: …

Comparison Operators in C Language

Comparison Operators in C Language: (1) Comparison Operators are used for comparing two variables.  (2) Sample C language code and its output, as shown: #include <stdio.h>#include <conio.h>// Assignment Operators in C Languageint main(){int x;int y;  x = 5;  y = 5;printf(“x equals to y: %d\n”, x == y);  x = 5;  y = 6;printf(“x not equals …

Arithmetic Operators in C Language

Arithmetic Operators in C Language: (1) Arithmetic Operators are used for calculation purpose.  (2) Sample C language code and its output, as shown: #include <stdio.h>#include <conio.h>// Arithmetics Operators in C Languageint main(){  int x;  int y;  x = 10;  y = 2;  printf(“Value of Addition is: %d\n”, x+y);  printf(“Value of Subtraction is: %d\n”, x-y);  printf(“Value of …

Variables in C Language

Variables in C Language: (1) In C language when we develop or built logic, we need variables that store information like amount, string or character. For storing this type of information, the C language provides variables like int, float, and char.  (2) Sample C language code using all variables and their output, as shown: #include <stdio.h>#include …

scanf() Use in C Language

scanf() Use in C Language: (1) scanf() is used for entering input values.  (2) Sample C language code and its output, as shown: #include <stdio.h>#include <conio.h> int main(){int n;printf(“Enter the value: “);scanf(“%d”,&n);printf(“Entered value is: %d”, n);getch();return 0;} (3) After that go to the “Build” menu and select the “Build” option for publishing the code as shown. (4) …

Use printf() in C Language

Use printf() in C Language: (1) printf() is used for printing output value.  (2) Sample C language code and its output, as shown: #include <stdio.h>#include <conio.h>int main(){printf(“My First C Programme”);getch();return 0;} (3) After that go to the “Build” menu and select the “Build” option for publishing the code as shown. (4) After building the code, press …

C Language Syntax

C Language Syntax: (1) C Language is designed by “Dennis Ritchie”. (2) C Language is a procedural programming language. (3) C Language is designed to be compiled to provide low access to memory. (4) For learning the C language, first install the editor and compiler. For this, refer to the blog “Install Code Blocks for C …